The EU Will Continue to Stand by Serbia

In a situation where the entire world is confronted with the coronavirus, solidarity and help are crucial in order to tackle the challenges we face together. Serbia is not alone in this struggle. For decades, the EU has been the biggest donor in Serbia in all sectors, including the health sector.

The EU looked at all aspects of a sustainable health system. In other words, Serbia received medicines, equipment for its hospitals and primary health care centers, laboratories, institutes of public health and blood transfusion centers, the largest ever supply of emergency medical vehicles (122 of which with transport ventilators), much technical assistance, equipment for the safe management of healthcare waste, studies and analyses, as well as training at all levels.

Today, the EU continues to support Serbia through emergency donations.  7.5 million Euro in non-refundable grants have been approved to combat the COVID-19 epidemic, while part of the 200 million Euro grant from pre-accession funds will be quickly and efficiently diverted to support Serbian health and the economy.


Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09